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From the 2024/25 season, BTYFC's U6 age group, coached by Adam Davies, will train on Saturday mornings at The Beaconsfield School from September through to April.  The focus is on player development and building confidence with a few friendly fixtures scheduled against local oppositions.

Boys aged 5 or under on August 31st are eligible to play in the U6 age group.

The maximum permitted team format is 5 v 5. 

The Minimum pitch size is: 30 x 20 yards or 27.45 x 18.3 meters.

The Maximum Pitch Size is: 40 x 30 yards or 36.3 x 27.45 meters.

The Goal Size is 12 x 6 ft.

The Ball Size is 3.

Contact Info: / 07900 582340 (Clare O’Farrell, Team

Training Schedule
  • Team

    U6 (Mixed)

  • Venue

    The Beaconsfield School

  • Day


  • Start Time


  • End Time


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